The Artist’s Story…
There are reasons why we choose certain ventures in life. Some are strategically planned over time. Others are spontaneous. And then there are those that fall somewhere in between. My most recent project sits squarely within the latter.
This is my story…
Having grown up on many acres of natural forested wetlands that teemed with wildlife, it was a time in my youth when the idea of endangered species had little significance. After all, I was surrounded by hundreds of species. There were many varieties of trees, plants, animals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects that called our fifteen acres of natural land their home, whether year round residents or just migrating through. How could one ever believe then that there was a serious crisis looming on the horizon.
And so, I simply enjoyed my childhood. Mother Nature tapped her magic wand to reveal a splendor that words could rarely convey. I watched in awe as chickadees, nuthatches and wrens tenaciously searched for sustenance while other varieties of songbirds flitted past our modest little home that sat nestled amongst the mature maple trees. Robins pecked the ground for earthworms. The drumming of woodpeckers echoed throughout the woods. Life in the wetland forest was always changing yet ever constant.
Seasons came and went. Flora and Fauna thrived throughout the year. Trilliums and Trout Lilies blanketed the forest floor in the Spring. Bird nests were tucked securely in treetops during Summer. Cicadas filled the heat drenched days with their high pitched buzzing. Snakes slithered over moss covered rocks as they sought warmth from the sun. The raucous calls of Blue jays could be heard far and wide as Autumn approached. Rabbit and deer tracks dotted the snow in Winter. All was truly right in that world
The Artist’s Mission…
But time changes all. As does the naivety of childhood. As the decades slipped by and older eyes saw beyond the shelter of pristine forests and wetlands, there were clearly significant changes from what once was and what is now. There came a reality that all that was well in the world then could no longer be considered so. The colourful curtain of wild spaces had been drawn back to reveal a darkness that should not be.
There is a critical issue looming over hundreds, if not thousands of species around the world and that is extinction. And Canada is no exception. This is something that cannot and should not be ignored. There are well over two hundred species right here in Ontario on the Species at Risk list. It is a very sad situation. There is no time to spare.
Because of this, I feel that I cannot sit back and watch this tragedy continue to unfold without action. And so I paint. This cause is something that is near and dear to my heart. With so many species in peril, I want to bring light into the darkness regarding our at-risk and endangered wild species and spaces. But, I have chosen to create this series in such a fashion that the beauty of these magnificent species can shine through.
I am thrilled to have had my efforts garner comments from well-known Canadian environmental activist David Suzuki, decades-long host of CBC TV’s – The Nature of Things. In a personal letter to me, he acknowledged my art and cause. Words that I do not take lightly. Dr. Suzuki’s kind remarks have provided me with even more inspiration to continue my efforts of bringing attention to this serious issue. He has, in a way, confirmed the importance of my efforts over the past two years. I feel even more compelled to bring this critical matter to the forefront. To create awareness.
Therefore, I will continue to paint for these fragile species. But also for organizations that I have specifically chosen for whom I will donate a portion of the net proceeds of my ‘Darkness’ paintings. I am creating one original painting per organization. They work tirelessly to save our vulnerable wild species and spaces and they deserve support. I honour their commitment with my own. I do it for them. For the beautiful creatures and ~ For the Love of All Things Nature…
Support Through Art ~ Be Part of the Movement ~ For The Love Of All Things Nature…